Get Paid For Your Cans
Cans are the easiest way to make a lot of cash! Bring in your empty aluminum cans and show our scale person your coupon to maximize the amount of cash you receive.
Get Cash for your Aluminum Cans
The next time you enjoy a frosty beverage in a Can, take a closer look at the label. If you see a symbol that says CA CASH REFUND or CA CRV you’ll get more out of that can than a little refreshment. That symbol means the CAN is eligible to be recycled for cash and you can bring it to us to recyle it. What other symbols to look for ?
- California Redemption Value
- CA Redemption Value
- California Cash Refund
Cash for your Cans
You can bring other recycling center coupons to us and we'll honor them as well. We also have a gift program so save your receipts.
Registered CRV recycling center
We participate in the CRV program, which means you can get your deposit back on your beverage containers based on the amount shown below, plus additional cash back we pay you when you bring our coupons or our local competitors coupons.
- 10 cents for Aluminum Cans over 24 ounces.
- 5 cents for most smaller cans.
We accept competing recycling center coupons. We also have a gift program where you can get the chance to pick an item off our gift shelf for bringing in 30 pounds, 50 pounds, 75 pounds, or up to 450 pounds of plastic or cans. Call to find out more.